Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Respect the non-Muslims (sic..non-Bumi).They have rights too.

I read with amusement the recent remarks by a few Ministers who were literary fighting for the rights of the non-Muslims which also,in this country, refers to the rights of the non-Bumiputras (Prince of the Earth).

With regards to sports betting which the Govt intends to introduce (via a monopoly licence to a crony),the reason being the non-Muslims',esp the Chinese,culture to gamble. What a sweeping statement. The Minister in the PM's dept even babbled on that the Govt can always introduce and enforce regulations to prevent the Muslims from being involved in the sports bettings and other form of gamblings. I wonder why didn't the Govt enforce it now for the existing 4-D,Da Ma Cai & Toto gamblings?

Even today, read what the Star reported,"Sports betting and gambling should be legalised and governed by proper laws and regulations, Information, Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said on Wednesday. He added that tax collected from sports betting could be used for the welfare of non-Muslims under a Government escrow fund". What a nobel idea. How i wish there were more Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.

In the light of the year in & year out complaints that many bright students were deprived the chance for the JPA scholarship (and the promise that all deserving students will get it),instead of solving the problem, the Govt thought it would be better if there were NO JPA scholarship...and presto, there will be NO complaints! I shudder to think what would Kepner-Tregoe do for a living if their Problem Solving and Decision Making strategy were so easily replaced just by eliminating the problem directly,as what our smart-alec Minister in the PM's Dept in the same breath, suddenly decided not to respect the rights of the non-Bumi apropos the PSD(or commonly known as JPA)scholarship issue & intended to do :
" The Govt had earlier announced that 1200 of the 1500 PSD scholarships would gradually be phased off from next year onwards. Minister in the PM's Dept Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said this was because the Govt could no longer afford to fund the studies of the growing population of bright students pursuing undergraduate studies abroad."

Deputy Education Minister, Wee Ka Siong would do better to see Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz about the MARA scholarships.

Is our dear Minister in the PM's Dept implying that there are no more growing bright students applying for the MARA scholarships?

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